Event Announcement: We will be holding the June 2020 Steering Committee Meeting online, via GoogleMeet. Registered Greens may attend/listen in.
The event has been posted to Facebook, follow this link:
* Identify and confirm (by SC vote) 2 delegates and 2 alternate delegates to the Presidential Nominating Convention
* Discuss/vote how/if delegates are bound to vote during the Convention.
* Discuss process for statewide vote – online vote options to be discussed and selected
– set up of three campaigns and fourth option?
– use of RCV
– length of voting process
– how to reach as many diverse Greens as possible
– was to verify registered Green status before/during/after vote
– voting needs to end latest by July 8th
* feasibility of ballot access in KY
– need for volunteers to gather at least 5000 signatures
– timeline to fill Steering Committee seats and Co-Chair seat
* next meeting in August and ways to promote
KYGP_SC_Meeting_06202020_Minutes as recorded/reviewed.